Tuesday, 18 June 2013

fn_Util_IsTablePartitionedAtValue: checking if a specific value is at the boundary point of table partition

-- Author    Date   
-- Steven Rao   2013-06-18  
-- Assumption:
-- 1) if table is partitioned, it will be using LEFT range type
-- 2) partition function used has parameter of integer data type
-- 3) return value:
-- 1: table @tableName is partitioned and @partitionValue is one of the partition boundry point
--  0: table @tableName is partitioned but @partitionValue is not a partition boundary point
--  -1: table @tableName is not partioned at all
-- Usage example
-- SELECT [fn_Util_IsTablePartitionedAtValue] ('MyTable', 1000000, 'dbo')
CREATE FUNCTION [fn_Util_IsTablePartitionedAtValue]
@tableName varchar(255)
,@partitionValue int
,@schemaName varchar(255)='dbo'
DECLARE @boudaryID int
 TOP 1
 -- boundary_id start with 1
 @boudaryID=isnull(rv.boundary_id, 0)
 FROM sys.schemas s
   INNER JOIN sys.tables t
   ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
   -- check table storage type
   INNER JOIN  sys.indexes i
   ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
   -- 0: heap
   -- 1: clusterd
   and i.index_id in (0,1))
   INNER JOIN sys.partitions p
   ON p.object_id = i.object_id
   AND p.index_id = i.index_id
   INNER JOIN  sys.index_columns  ic
   ON (-- identify partioned column
   ic.partition_ordinal > 0
   and ic.index_id = i.index_id
   and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps
   ON ps.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf
   ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
   LEFT JOIN sys.partition_range_values rv
   ON pf.function_id = rv.function_id AND p.partition_number = rv.boundary_id
   -- need exact match, assuming left range type
   AND cast(rv.value as int)=@partitionValue
 WHERE -- only look for heap or clustered index
   i.index_id IN (0, 1) 
   AND s.name=@schemaName
   AND t.name=@tableName
 ORDER BY isnull(rv.boundary_id, 0) DESC
 -- if @boudaryID is null then table is NOT partitioned
 -- if @boudaryID>0 then we fall into a partition boundary point
 -- if @boudaryID=0 table is partitioned but value is not a boundary point
 RETURN ISNULL(case when @boudaryID>0 then 1 else @boudaryID end, -1)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

usp_Util_TruncatePartition: trancate a specified partition from a partitioned table

-- published at
-- http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/partition+switch/100013/

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[usp_Util_TruncatePartition]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
 DROP PROCEDURE [usp_Util_TruncatePartition]
-- By Steven Rao
-- Date: June 13, 2013
-- StevenZRAO@gmail.com
-- declare @code int
-- A generic procedure to truncate any given partition from a partitioned table
-- Limitation: cannot deal with some data types, such as xml
-- Basic assumption and current limitation: (some minor changes are needed to extend the functionality of this sp)
-- 1) partition parameter has integer type
-- Change history
-- Date Description
-- 2013-07-26 Fix schema name and computed column issues
-- It is now also working both left and right partition type

CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_Util_TruncatePartition]
@tableName varchar(255)
,@partitionValue int
,@schemaName varchar(255)='dbo'
-- Is table partitioned at all?
declare @error int, @rowsCount int, @errMsg varchar(1024)
declare @partitionSchema varchar(255), @partitionFunction varchar(255), @partitionColumn varchar(255), @tableStorageType varchar(16), @partitionFunctionID int
declare @partitionFileGroupName varchar(255), @databaseName varchar(255), @partitionNumber int, @cloneTableName varchar(255), @compression tinyint, @compressionQuery varchar(256)
declare @LogHeader varchar(23), @Now datetime
select @tableName=ltrim(rtrim(isnull(@tableName, ''))), @schemaName=ltrim(rtrim(isnull(@schemaName, ''))), @databaseName=db_name(), @schemaName=ltrim(rtrim(@schemaName)), @tableName=ltrim(rtrim(@tableName)), @compressionQuery=''

-- find the partition number for the partion value and other information for table partition
-- partition FOR RIGHT and boundary_id begins with id 1
,@partitionNumber=case when pf.boundary_value_on_right=1 then rv.boundary_id+1 else rv.boundary_id end
-- compression can be 0: no compresson, 1: row level compression 2: page level compression
-- only apply to clustered index?
,@compression=case when i.index_id=1 then p.data_compression else 0 end
FROM sys.schemas s
INNER JOIN sys.tables t
ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
-- check table storage type
INNER JOIN  sys.indexes i
ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
-- 0: heap
-- 1: clusterd
and i.index_id in (0,1))
INNER JOIN sys.partitions p
ON p.object_id = i.object_id
AND p.index_id = i.index_id
INNER JOIN  sys.index_columns  ic
ON (-- identify partioned column
ic.partition_ordinal > 0
and ic.index_id = i.index_id
and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
INNER JOIN  sys.columns c
ON c.object_id = ic.object_id and c.column_id = ic.column_id
INNER JOIN sys.system_internals_allocation_units au
ON p.partition_id = au.container_id
INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps
ON ps.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf
ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces dds
ON dds.partition_scheme_id = ps.data_space_id AND dds.destination_id = p.partition_number
INNER JOIN sys.filegroups fg
ON dds.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys.partition_range_values rv
ON pf.function_id = rv.function_id AND p.partition_number = rv.boundary_id
WHERE -- only look for heap or clustered index
i.index_id IN (0, 1)
AND s.name=@schemaName
AND t.name=@tableName
-- need exact match
AND cast(rv.value as int)=@partitionValue

select @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126)
if (@rowsCount<=0)
print @LogHeader+' table '+@tableName+' on db '+@databaseName+' with schema '+@schemaName
+' is not partitioned or @partitionValue='+cast(@partitionValue as varchar(16))
+' is not in exsiting partition range. will return.'
return 100
end else
print @LogHeader+' table '+@tableName+' on db '+@databaseName+' with schema '
+@schemaName+' is partitioned: @partitionSchema='+@partitionSchema
+', @partitionFunction='+@partitionFunction
+', @partitionFunctionID='+cast(@partitionFunctionID as varchar(16))
+', @partitionColumn='+ @partitionColumn
+', @tableStorageType='+@tableStorageType
+', @partitionValue='+cast(@partitionValue as varchar(16))
+', @partitionNumber='+cast(@partitionNumber as varchar(16))
+', @partitionFileGroupName='+@partitionFileGroupName
+', @compression='+cast(@compression as varchar(16))

-- create clone table on same file group, drop it if already exists
-- we don't need to take care of FK and no clustered for our case
-- No clustered index is not needed
-- taking care of columns and primary key
-- Ironically you could drop a table without droping its primary key!! suprise suprise
-- Now we know the primary key name, we can generate the drop statement

declare @dropCloneTable varchar(8000),
        @createCloneTable varchar(8000),
        @primaryKeyName varchar(255),
        @dropPrimaryKey varchar(8000),
        @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder varchar(255),
        @hasPrimaryKey tinyint,
        @switchPartition varchar(1024)

-- A place holder for primary key which will be replace when the value is known
 ,@cloneTableName=@tableName+'_'+cast(@partitionNumber as varchar(16))
 ,@dropCloneTable='IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'+''''+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+''''+') AND type in (N'+''''+'U'+''''+'))'+char(13)
 +'BEGIN'+char(13)+'DROP TABLE '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+char(13) +'END'
 ,@dropPrimaryKey='IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'+''''+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+''''+') AND name = N'+''''+@primayKeyNamePlaceHolder+''''+')'+char(13)
 +'BEGIN'+char(13)+'ALTER TABLE '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@primayKeyNamePlaceHolder+char(13)+'END'
 ,@switchPartition='ALTER TABLE '+@schemaName+'.'+@tableName +' SWITCH PARTITION '+cast(@partitionNumber as varchar(16))+' TO '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName

  @hasPrimaryKey=CASE WHEN tc.Constraint_Name IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
 ,@primaryKeyName=CASE WHEN @hasPrimaryKey=1 THEN replace(replace(@CloneTableName, @schemaName, ''), '.', '')+'_'+tc.Constraint_Name ELSE '' END
 ,@createCloneTable= 'CREATE TABLE ' +@schemaName+'.'+@CloneTableName
  + '(' + o.list + ')'
  + ' ON ['+@partitionFileGroupName+']'
  + CASE WHEN @hasPrimaryKey=0 THEN '' ELSE char(13)
  +'ALTER TABLE ' +@schemaName+'.'+ @CloneTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + @primaryKeyName + ' PRIMARY KEY '
  + ' (' + LEFT(j.List, Len(j.List)-1) + ')' END
 from sys.schemas s
  inner join sys.objects so
   on s.schema_id=so.schema_id
  cross apply
' ['+column_name+'] '
-- deal with computed columns
+ case when cc.is_computed=1 then ' AS ('+cc.definition+')'+case when cc.is_persisted=1 then ' PERSISTED' else '' end + ', ' else
-- non computed columns case
case data_type
when 'sql_variant' then ''
when 'text' then ''
when 'decimal' then '(' + cast(numeric_precision as varchar) + ', ' + cast(numeric_scale as varchar) + ')'
else coalesce('('+case when character_maximum_length = -1 then 'MAX' else cast(character_maximum_length as varchar) end +')','') end
+ ' '
+ case when exists (
 select id
  from syscolumns
  where object_name(id)='TestTruncatePartition'
  and name=column_name
  and columnproperty(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1
 then 'IDENTITY(' + cast(ident_seed('TestTruncatePartition') as varchar) + ',' + cast(ident_incr('TestTruncatePartition') as varchar) + ')'
 else '' end
+ ' '
+ (case when c.IS_NULLABLE = 'No' then 'NOT ' else '' end ) + 'NULL '
from information_schema.columns c left join sys.computed_columns cc on
OBJECT_ID(c.TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+c.TABLE_NAME)=cc.object_id and c.COLUMN_NAME=cc.name
where c.table_name = so.name AND c.TABLE_SCHEMA=@schemaName
 order by ordinal_position
  ) o (list)
 left join information_schema.table_constraints tc
  on tc.Table_name = so.Name
  AND tc.Constraint_Type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
  AND tc.TABLE_SCHEMA=@schemaName
 cross apply
  (select '[' + Column_Name + '], '
   FROM information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
   WHERE kcu.Constraint_Name = tc.Constraint_Name and kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA=@schemaName
   ) j (list)
  -- find out if the primary key is clustered
  left join sys.indexes i
   on so.object_id=i.object_id
   -- index_id 1 means clustered
   -- constraint name is primary key name which is same as the index name
   AND i.index_id=1 AND tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME=i.name and tc.TABLE_SCHEMA=@schemaName
 where s.name=@SchemaName
and so.type = 'U'
and so.name NOT IN ('dtproperties')
and so.name=@TableName

select @error=@@ERROR,
       @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126)

print @LogHeader+' @hasPrimaryKey='+cast(@hasPrimaryKey as varchar(16))

if (@hasPrimaryKey=1)
  select @dropPrimaryKey=replace(@dropPrimaryKey, @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder, @primaryKeyName)

-- 1: Row compression
-- 2: Page compression
if @compression=1
  set @compressionQuery='ALTER TABLE ' +@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName + ' REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW)';
else if @compression=2
  set @compressionQuery='ALTER TABLE ' +@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName + ' REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE)';
-- taking care of clustered index
-- taking care of primary key is not enough since a primary key may not be clustered
-- so now we have to excludes clustered primary key index since they are already been taken care of
-- sample index create and drop statement
-- we may not need to drop the index? just in case
declare @indexColums varchar(256),
        @indexName varchar(256),
        @indexUnique varchar(8),
        @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex tinyint,
        @createClusteredIndex varchar(8000),
        @dropClusteredIndex varchar(8000)

select @indexColums='(',

-- whenever we have result from here, we do have clusterd index
 ,@indexUnique=case when i.is_unique=0 then '' else 'UNIQUE ' end
 from sys.schemas s
  INNER JOIN sys.tables t
   ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
  INNER JOIN sys.indexes i
   ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
   -- looking for clustered index ONLY
   and i.index_id=1
   -- ignore primary key, which is taken care of above already
   and i.is_primary_key=0)
      c.name+case when ic.is_descending_key=0 then ' ASC' else ' DESC' end+','
     from sys.index_columns ic
      INNER JOIN sys.columns c
       ON c.column_id=ic.column_id
      and c.object_id=ic.object_id
     where ic.index_id = i.index_id
       and ic.object_id = t.object_id
     order by ic.key_ordinal
    FOR XML PATH('')
    ) ic(columnList)
 where s.name=@schemaName
 and t.name=@tableName

select @error=@@ERROR,
       @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126),
       @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=isnull(@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex, 0)

print @LogHeader+' @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex='+cast(@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex as varchar(16))

if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex>=1)
  select @dropClusteredIndex='IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'+''''+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+''''+') AND name = N'+''''+@indexName+''''+')'
  +'DROP INDEX '+@indexName+' ON '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName
  ,@createClusteredIndex='CREATE '+@indexUnique+'CLUSTERED INDEX '+@indexName+' ON '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+left(@indexColums, len(@indexColums)-1)+')'

select @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126)

print @LogHeader+' (@dropPrimaryKey, @dropClusteredIndex, @dropCloneTable, @createCloneTable, @createClusteredIndex, @compressionQuery, @switchPartition, @dropPrimaryKey, @dropCloneTable)'

print @dropPrimaryKey+char(13)+@dropClusteredIndex+char(13)+@dropCloneTable+char(13)+@createCloneTable+char(13)+@createClusteredIndex+char(13)+@compressionQuery+char(13)+@switchPartition+char(13)+@dropPrimaryKey+char(13)+@dropCloneTable

declare @returnCode int

if (@hasPrimaryKey=1)
  select @returnCode=300, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [1] failed to drop primary key for clone table. will return.'
  if (@error<>0) goto ERROR

if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=1)
  select @returnCode=310, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [1] failed to drop clustered index for clone table. will return.'
  if (@error<>0) goto ERROR


select @returnCode=320, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [1] failed to drop clone table. will return.'

if (@error<>0) goto ERROR


select @returnCode=330, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to create clone table. will return.'

if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
 if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=1)

   select @returnCode=340, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to create clustered index for clone table. will return.'

   if (@error<>0) goto ERROR

if (@compression IN (1,2))
  select @returnCode=350, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to adjust clone table compressoin option. will return.'
  if (@error<>0) goto ERROR

-- now do the partition switch to truncate data

select @returnCode=360, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to switch partition to clone table. will return.'

if (@error<>0) goto ERROR

-- now drop the coloum table again
if (@hasPrimaryKey=1)
  select @returnCode=370, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [2] failed to drop primary key for clone table. will return.'
  if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
-- may not need to do this:
-- also this may have some performance issue since dropping clustered index means a heap will have to be created??
--if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=1)
--select @returnCode=380, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [2] failed to drop clustered index for clone table. will return.'
--if (@error<>0) goto ERROR

select @returnCode=390, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [2] failed to drop clone table. will return.'

if (@error<>0) goto ERROR


print @errMsg

return @returnCode


Monday, 10 June 2013

usp_Util_InsertPartition: Dynamically add a new partition to a partioned table

-- basic assumption:
-- partition range is FOR LEFT
-- partiitn column is of data type in

-- exec [usp_Util_InsertPartition] 'PartitionTestNo', 100
-- exec [usp_Util_InsertPartition] 'PartitionTest', 2000
-- exec [usp_Util_InsertPartition] 'PartitionTest', 0
-- Basic assumption: (some minor changes are needed to extend the functionality of this sp)
-- 1) partition range is left
-- 2) partion parameter has integer type
-- when @usePreviousFileGroup=1, will use the file gruop on the left most partion value and @fileSize and @fileGrowth will be ignored
-- otherwise will append partion number as the file group name and add a new file to the new file group
CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_Util_InsertPartition]
@tableName varchar(255)
,@partitionValue int
,@schemaName varchar(255)='dbo'
,@usePreviousFileGroup tinyint=1
,@fileSize varchar(255)='50MB'
,@fileGrowth varchar(255)='10'
-- Is table partioned at all?
declare @error int, @rowsCount int, @errMsg varchar(1024)
declare @partitionSchema varchar(255), @partitionFunction varchar(255), @partitionColumn varchar(255), @tableStorageType varchar(16), @partitionFunctionID int
declare @partitionFileGroupName varchar(255), @databaseName varchar(255), @partitionNumber int, @cloneTableName varchar(255), @compression tinyint, @compressionQuery varchar(256)
declare @LogHeader varchar(23), @Now datetime
select @tableName=ltrim(rtrim(isnull(@tableName, ''))), @schemaName=ltrim(rtrim(isnull(@schemaName, ''))), @databaseName=db_name(), @schemaName=ltrim(rtrim(@schemaName)), @tableName=ltrim(rtrim(@tableName)), @compressionQuery=''
-- find the partition number for the partion value and other information for table partition
 -- compression can be 0: no compresson, 1: row level compression 2: page level compression
 -- only apply to clustered index?
 ,@compression=case when i.index_id=1 then p.data_compression else 0 end
 FROM sys.schemas s
   INNER JOIN sys.tables t
   ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
   -- check table storage type
   INNER JOIN  sys.indexes i
   ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
   -- 0: heap
   -- 1: clusterd
   and i.index_id in (0,1))
   INNER JOIN sys.partitions p
   ON p.object_id = i.object_id
   AND p.index_id = i.index_id
   INNER JOIN  sys.index_columns  ic
   ON (-- identify partioned column
   ic.partition_ordinal > 0
   and ic.index_id = i.index_id
   and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
   INNER JOIN  sys.columns c
   ON c.object_id = ic.object_id and c.column_id = ic.column_id
   INNER JOIN sys.system_internals_allocation_units au
   ON p.partition_id = au.container_id
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps
   ON ps.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf
   ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
   INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces dds
   ON dds.partition_scheme_id = ps.data_space_id AND dds.destination_id = p.partition_number
   INNER JOIN sys.filegroups fg
   ON dds.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_range_values rv
   ON pf.function_id = rv.function_id AND p.partition_number = rv.boundary_id 
 WHERE -- only look for heap or clustered index
   i.index_id IN (0, 1) 
   AND s.name=@schemaName
   AND t.name=@tableName
   -- need exact match, assuming left range type
   AND cast(rv.value as int)=@partitionValue
select @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126)
if (@rowsCount<=0)
 print @LogHeader+' table '+@tableName+' on db '+@databaseName+' with schema '+@schemaName
   +' is not partitioned or @partitionValue='+cast(@partitionValue as varchar(16))
   +' is not in exsiting partition range. will return.'
 return 100
end else
 print @LogHeader+' table '+@tableName+' on db '+@databaseName+' with schema '
   +@schemaName+' is partitioned: @partitionSchema='+@partitionSchema
   +', @partitionFunction='+@partitionFunction
   +', @partitionFunctionID='+cast(@partitionFunctionID as varchar(16))
   +', @partitionColumn='+ @partitionColumn
   +', @tableStorageType='+@tableStorageType
   +', @partitionValue='+cast(@partitionValue as varchar(16))
   +', @partitionNumber='+cast(@partitionNumber as varchar(16))
   +', @partitionFileGroupName='+@partitionFileGroupName
   +', @compression='+cast(@compression as varchar(16))
-- create clone table on same file group, drop it if already exists
-- sample checking and drop table and PK statement
--IF  EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[corDistrictPrd]') AND type in (N'U'))
--DROP TABLE [dbo].[corDistrictPrd]
--IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[corDistrictPrd]') AND name = N'PK_corDistrictPrd')
--ALTER TABLE [dbo].[corDistrictPrd] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_corDistrictPrd]
-- No clustered index is not needed
-- taking care of columns and primary key
-- ironically you could drop a table without droping its primary key!! suprise suprise
-- Now we know the primary key name, we can generate the drop statement
declare @dropCloneTable varchar(8000), @createCloneTable varchar(8000), @primaryKeyName varchar(255), @dropPrimaryKey varchar(8000), @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder varchar(255), @hasPrimaryKey tinyint, @switchPartition varchar(1024)
 -- A place holder for primary key which will be replace when the value is known
 ,@cloneTableName=@tableName+'_'+cast(@partitionNumber as varchar(16))
 ,@dropCloneTable='IF  EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'+''''+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+''''+') AND type in (N'+''''+'U'+''''+'))'+char(13)
  +'BEGIN'+char(13)+'DROP TABLE '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+char(13)+'END'
 ,@dropPrimaryKey='IF  EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'+''''+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+''''+') AND name = N'+''''+@primayKeyNamePlaceHolder+''''+')'+char(13)
  +'BEGIN'+char(13)+'ALTER TABLE '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+@primayKeyNamePlaceHolder+char(13)+'END'
 ,@switchPartition='ALTER TABLE '+@schemaName+'.'+@tableName +' SWITCH PARTITION '+cast(@partitionNumber as varchar(16))+' TO '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName
  @hasPrimaryKey=CASE WHEN tc.Constraint_Name IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
  ,@primaryKeyName=CASE WHEN @hasPrimaryKey=1 THEN replace(replace(@CloneTableName, @schemaName, ''), '.', '')+'_'+tc.Constraint_Name ELSE '' END
  'CREATE TABLE ' +@CloneTableName
  + '(' + o.list + ')'
  + ' ON '+@partitionFileGroupName
  + CASE WHEN @hasPrimaryKey=0 THEN '' ELSE char(13)
   +'ALTER TABLE ' + @CloneTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' +  @primaryKeyName + ' PRIMARY KEY '
   + ' (' + LEFT(j.List, Len(j.List)-1) + ')' END
 from    sys.schemas s inner join
   sys.objects so on
   cross apply
     '  ['+column_name+'] '
     + data_type
     + case data_type
       when 'sql_variant' then ''
       when 'text' then ''
       when 'decimal' then '(' + cast(numeric_precision as varchar) + ', ' + cast(numeric_scale as varchar) + ')'
       else coalesce('('+case when character_maximum_length = -1 then 'MAX' else cast(character_maximum_length as varchar) end +')','') end
     + ' '
     + case when exists (
          select id from syscolumns
             where object_name(id)=so.name
               and name=column_name
               and columnproperty(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1
       then 'IDENTITY(' + cast(ident_seed(so.name) as varchar) + ',' + cast(ident_incr(so.name) as varchar) + ')'
       else '' end
     + ' '
     + (case when IS_NULLABLE = 'No' then 'NOT ' else '' end ) + 'NULL '
     + case when information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NOT NULL THEN 'DEFAULT '+ information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT ELSE '' END + ', '
    from information_schema.columns
    where table_name = so.name
    order by ordinal_position
    FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
   left join information_schema.table_constraints tc
   on tc.Table_name               = so.Name
    AND tc.Constraint_Type  = 'PRIMARY KEY'
   cross apply
    (select '[' + Column_Name + '], '
     FROM       information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
     WHERE      kcu.Constraint_Name     = tc.Constraint_Name
     FOR XML PATH('')) j (list)
   -- find out if the primary key is clustered
   left join sys.indexes i
   on so.object_id=i.object_id
    -- index_id 1 means clustered
    -- constraint name is primary key name which is same as the index name
    AND i.index_id=1 AND tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME=i.name
 where   s.name=@SchemaName
   and so.type = 'U'
   and so.name NOT IN ('dtproperties')
   and so.name=@TableName
select @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126)
print @LogHeader+' @hasPrimaryKey='+cast(@hasPrimaryKey as varchar(16))
if (@hasPrimaryKey=1)
 select @dropPrimaryKey=replace(@dropPrimaryKey, @primayKeyNamePlaceHolder, @primaryKeyName)

-- 1: Row compression
-- 2: Page compression
if @compression=1
 set @compressionQuery='ALTER TABLE ' +@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName + ' REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW)';
end else if @compression=2
 set @compressionQuery='ALTER TABLE ' +@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName + ' REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE)';
-- taking care of clusterd index
-- taking care of primary key is not enough since a primary key may not be clustered
-- so now we have to excludes clustered primary key index since they are already been taken care of
-- sample index create and drop statement
--IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[fctBranch]') AND name = N'IX_fctBranch')
--DROP INDEX [IX_fctBranch] ON [dbo].[fctBranch] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF )
-- CREATE [ UNIQUE | CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] INDEX [IX_fctBranch] ON [dbo].[fctBranch]
-- [dimPMFirmid] ASC,
-- [dimPeriodid] ASC
-- we may not need to drop the index? just in case
declare @indexColums varchar(256), @indexName varchar(256), @indexUnique varchar(8), @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex tinyint, @createClusteredIndex varchar(8000), @dropClusteredIndex varchar(8000)
select @indexColums='(', @indexUnique='', @indexName='', @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=0, @dropClusteredIndex='', @createClusteredIndex=''
 -- whenever we have result from here, we do hve clusterd index
 -- this will accumulate all columns
 ,@indexColums=@indexColums+c.name+case when ic.is_descending_key=0 then ' ASC' else ' DESC' end+','
 -- they will be overwritten since they have identical values for all columns
 ,@indexUnique=case when i.is_unique=0 then '' else 'UNIQUE ' end
 FROM sys.schemas s
   INNER JOIN sys.tables t
   ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
   INNER JOIN  sys.indexes i
   ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
    -- looking for clustered index ONLY
    and i.index_id=1
    -- ignore primary key, which is taken care of above already
    and i.is_primary_key=0)
   INNER JOIN  sys.index_columns  ic
   ON (ic.index_id = i.index_id and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
   INNER JOIN sys.columns c
   ON c.column_id=ic.column_id and c.object_id=ic.object_id
 where s.name=@schemaName and t.name=@tableName
 order by ic.key_ordinal
-- this is a better way to do the same thing:
 -- whenever we have result from here, we do hve clusterd index
 ,@indexUnique=case when i.is_unique=0 then '' else 'UNIQUE ' end
 from sys.schemas s
   INNER JOIN sys.tables t
   ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
   INNER JOIN  sys.indexes i
   ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
    -- looking for clustered index ONLY
    and i.index_id=1
    -- ignore primary key, which is taken care of above already
    and i.is_primary_key=0)
     c.name+case when ic.is_descending_key=0 then ' ASC' else ' DESC' end+','
     from sys.index_columns  ic
       INNER JOIN sys.columns c
       ON c.column_id=ic.column_id and c.object_id=ic.object_id
     where ic.index_id = i.index_id and ic.object_id = t.object_id
     order by ic.key_ordinal
     FOR XML PATH('')
     ) ic(columnList)
 where s.name=@schemaName and t.name=@tableName
select @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=isnull(@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex, 0)
print @LogHeader+' @hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex='+cast(@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex as varchar(16))
if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex>=1)
select @dropClusteredIndex='IF  EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'+''''+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+''''+') AND name = N'+''''+@indexName+''''+')'
    +'DROP INDEX '+@indexName+' ON '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName
  ,@createClusteredIndex='CREATE '+@indexUnique+'CLUSTERED INDEX '+@indexName+' ON '+@schemaName+'.'+@cloneTableName+left(@indexColums, len(@indexColums)-1)+')'
select @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126)
print @LogHeader+' (@dropPrimaryKey, @dropClusteredIndex, @dropCloneTable, @createCloneTable, @createClusteredIndex, @compressionQuery, @switchPartition, @dropPrimaryKey, @dropCloneTable)'
print @dropPrimaryKey+char(13)+@dropClusteredIndex+char(13)+@dropCloneTable+char(13)+@createCloneTable+char(13)+@createClusteredIndex+char(13)+@compressionQuery+char(13)+@switchPartition+char(13)+@dropPrimaryKey+char(13)+@dropCloneTable
declare @returnCode int
-- Note: we can not have transaction here, unfortunately.
-- Msg 226, Level 16, State 6, Line 1
-- ALTER DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction.
--begin transaction Txc_usp_Util_TruncatePartition
if (@hasPrimaryKey=1)
select @returnCode=300, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [1] failed to drop primary key for clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=1)
select @returnCode=310, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [1] failed to drop clustered index for clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
select @returnCode=320, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [1] failed to drop clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
select @returnCode=330, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to create clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=1)
select @returnCode=340, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to create clustered index for clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
if (@compression IN (1,2))
select @returnCode=350, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to adjust clone table compressoin option. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
-- now do the partition switch to truncate data
select @returnCode=360, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' failed to switch partition to clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
-- now drop the coloum table again
if (@hasPrimaryKey=1)
select @returnCode=370, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [2] failed to drop primary key for clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
-- may not need to do this:
-- also this may have some performance issue since dropping clustered index means a heap will have to be created??
--if (@hasNonPrimaryKeyClusterdIndex=1)
--select @returnCode=380, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [2] failed to drop clustered index for clone table. will return.'
--if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
select @returnCode=390, @error=@@ERROR, @rowsCount=@@ROWCOUNT, @Now=getdate(), @LogHeader=convert(char(23), @Now, 126), @errMsg=@LogHeader+' [2] failed to drop clone table. will return.'
if (@error<>0) goto ERROR
--commit transaction Txc_usp_Util_TruncatePartition
--rollback transaction
print @errMsg
return @returnCode

Looking inside Partition (how many rows are stroed in which file groups?)

-- reference:

 s.name as SchemaName
 ,t.name as TableName
 ,c.name as PartitionColumn
 ,CASE boundary_value_on_right WHEN 1 THEN 'RIGHT' ELSE 'LEFT' END as PartionRangeType
 ,ps.name as PartitionName
 ,pf.name as PartitionFunction
 ,p.partition_number AS PartitionNumber
 ,CASE boundary_value_on_right WHEN 1 THEN '<' ELSE '<=' END as PartionComparisionType
 ,rv.value as PartitionValue
 ,fg.name AS FileGroupName
 ,p.rows AS RowsInPartition
 ,au.total_pages AS PagesInPartition
 ,au.total_pages*8/1024.0 AS MBsInPartition
 ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 6, 1) +SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 5, 1)))
  + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20), CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 4, 1) +SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 3, 1) +SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 2, 1) +SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 1, 1)))
 AS PartitionFirstPage
 FROM sys.schemas s
   INNER JOIN sys.tables t
   ON t.schema_id=s.schema_id
   -- check table storage type
   INNER JOIN  sys.indexes i
   ON (i.object_id = t.object_id
   -- 0: heap
   -- 1: clusterd
   and i.index_id in (0,1))
   INNER JOIN sys.partitions p
   ON p.object_id = i.object_id
   AND p.index_id = i.index_id
   INNER JOIN  sys.index_columns  ic
   ON (-- identify partioned column
   ic.partition_ordinal > 0
   and ic.index_id = i.index_id
   and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
   INNER JOIN  sys.columns c
   ON c.object_id = ic.object_id and c.column_id = ic.column_id
   INNER JOIN sys.system_internals_allocation_units au
   ON p.partition_id = au.container_id
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps
   ON ps.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
   INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf
   ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
   INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces dds
   ON dds.partition_scheme_id = ps.data_space_id AND dds.destination_id = p.partition_number
   INNER JOIN sys.filegroups fg
   ON dds.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id
   LEFT JOIN sys.partition_range_values rv
   ON pf.function_id = rv.function_id AND p.partition_number = rv.boundary_id 
 WHERE -- only look for heap or clustered index
   i.index_id IN (0, 1)
 ORDER BY 1,2,7

Thursday, 6 June 2013

A better solution to drop/recreate FK

-- step 1:
-- drop all FKs
-- warning: before running scripts, make sure save the scripts from step 3!!!
   + s.name + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(fk.parent_object_id)       
   + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + fk.NAME + ' ;' AS DropStatement
  FROM sys.foreign_keys fk
    INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON fk.parent_object_id = t.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON fk.schema_id = s.schema_id

-- (optional)
-- step 2: truncte ALL tabls
 SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE '+s.name+'.'+t.name as 'TruncateStatement'
    FROM sys.tables t inner join sys.schemas s
   on t.schema_id=s.schema_id
   WHERE t.type='U'
  ORDER BY s.name, t.name

-- step 3, recreate FKs with original CHEK option
PRINT N'-- Re-CREATE FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS with original check option --';
 PRINT N''Creating '+ const.const_name +'...''
 ALTER TABLE ' + const.parent_obj
  -- you can remove this line if you don't want to keep original check option
  + ' WITH '+CASE WHEN ObjectProperty(const.constid,'CnstIsDisabled') =0 THEN 'CHECK' ELSE 'NOCHECK' END +
  + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + const.const_name + ' FOREIGN KEY (
    ' + const.parent_col_csv + '
    ) REFERENCES ' + const.ref_obj + '(' + const.ref_col_csv + ')
 GO' as StatementToReCreateFK
    SELECT QUOTENAME(fk.NAME) AS [const_name]
        ,QUOTENAME(schParent.NAME) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_name(fkc.parent_object_id)) AS [parent_obj]
                SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(COL_NAME(fcP.parent_object_id, fcp.parent_column_id))
                FROM sys.foreign_key_columns AS fcP
                WHERE fcp.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id
                FOR XML path('')
                ), 1, 1, '') AS [parent_col_csv]
        ,QUOTENAME(schRef.NAME) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(fkc.referenced_object_id)) AS [ref_obj]
                SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(COL_NAME(fcR.referenced_object_id, fcR.referenced_column_id))
                FROM sys.foreign_key_columns AS fcR
                WHERE fcR.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id
                FOR XML path('')
                ), 1, 1, '') AS [ref_col_csv]
    FROM sys.foreign_key_columns AS fkc
    INNER JOIN sys.foreign_keys AS fk ON fk.object_id = fkc.constraint_object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS oParent ON oParent.object_id = fkc.parent_object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS schParent ON schParent.schema_id = oParent.schema_id
    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS oRef ON oRef.object_id = fkc.referenced_object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS schRef ON schRef.schema_id = oRef.schema_id
 -- add this to check FK CHECK option
 INNER JOIN sysobjects o on o.name=fk.name
 INNER JOIN sysforeignkeys sfk ON sfk.constid=o.id
    GROUP BY fkc.parent_object_id
    ) AS const
ORDER BY const.const_name

Monday, 3 June 2013

Going physical with table: File Group or Partition Info

-- All tables
 s.name as SchemaName
 ,t.name as TableName
 ,i.type_desc as TableStorageType
 ,case when f.name is null then 1 else 0 end as IsPartitioned
 ,f.name as FileGroupName
 ,ps.name as PartitionSchema
 ,pf.name as PartitionFunction
 ,c.name as PartionColumn
 -- on cluase for the table creation statement
 ,'ON '+case when f.name is not null then  f.name else ps.name+'('+c.name+')' end as OnClause
 from sys.schemas s inner join sys.tables t on
   -- check table storage type
   inner join  sys.indexes i on  
   (i.object_id = t.object_id
   -- 0: heap
   -- 1: clusterd
   and i.index_id in (0,1))
   -- will have value for non-partioned table
   LEFT JOIN sys.filegroups f ON
   i.data_space_id = f.data_space_id
   -- will have value for partitioned table
   left join sys.partition_schemes ps on 
   i.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
   left join sys.partition_functions pf ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
   left join  sys.index_columns  ic on
   (-- identify partioned column
   ic.partition_ordinal > 0
   and ic.index_id = i.index_id
   and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
   left join  sys.columns c on
   (c.object_id = ic.object_id
   and c.column_id = ic.column_id)
 order by 1,2

For non-partitioned tables:
SELECT s.name as SchemaName
  ,o.[name] as TableName
  ,i.type_desc as TableStorageType
  ,f.[name] as FileGroupName
  FROM sys.indexes i INNER JOIN sys.filegroups f ON
    i.data_space_id = f.data_space_id
    INNER JOIN sys.all_objects o ON
    i.[object_id] = o.[object_id]
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON
  WHERE i.data_space_id = f.data_space_id
    AND o.type = 'U' -- User Created Tables
    AND i.index_id in (0,1)
  ORDER BY 1, 2

For partitioned tables:

 s.name as SchemaName
 ,t.name as TableName
 ,i.type_desc as TableStorageType
 ,ps.name as PartitionSchema
 ,pf.name as PartitionFunction
 ,c.name as PartionColumn
 from sys.schemas s inner join sys.tables t on
   -- check table storage type
   inner join  sys.indexes i on  
    (i.object_id = t.object_id
    -- 0: heap
    -- 1: clusterd
    and i.index_id in (0,1))
   inner join sys.partition_schemes ps
    on  i.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id
   inner join sys.partition_functions pf ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
   inner join  sys.index_columns  ic on
    (-- identify partioned column
    ic.partition_ordinal > 0
    and ic.index_id = i.index_id
    and ic.object_id = t.object_id)
   inner join  sys.columns c on
    (c.object_id = ic.object_id
    and c.column_id = ic.column_id)
 order by 1,2